Spetses Introductory Course


This website contains the R teaching material that can be used (it is not compulsory) during the Simulated Outbreak (SimOb) section of the Introductory Course module of the EPIET (European Programme of Intervention Epidemiology Training), EUPHEM (European Public Health Microbiology) and MediPIET (Mediterranean and Black Sea Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training) fellowships.

The SimOb is an 4-day exercise where fellows are provided a series of injects through which they will follow a 10-steps framework to investigate a specific outbreak. Some of the injects are dedicated to R-exercises that can be proved quite handy during an outbreak investigation. Those injects are maintained in this repository and are stored as different .qmd files, under the root folder:

  • Data_import_cleaning.qmd
  • Case_definition.qmd
  • Lab_and_Descriptive.qmd
  • Univariate.qmd
  • Stratified.qmd